
Client: Hawaii Reporter our first online publication sites.
Project: Redesign for online new publication.
Expertise: WordPress, graphic design, social media, Google news integration, SEO


Hawaii Reporter had a site created in an old language by a company who was no longer in business. We exported over 10,000 of their stories and imported them into a newly designer wordpress news publication theme that we totally reconfigured and customized. We optimized the site and integrated with several auto functions from newsletters to social media updates. It was also built to that it could be run by a small staff. Reporters can submit their own stories in an editing que awaiting publication. We also built in a special code so that if a story is a breaking news story, the editor checks a box and the “google credit where credit is due code” goes int the header. The site is now one of the highest ranked news websites in Hawaii and is picked up by Drudge Report and Google News regularly.
